Category: Publications

Disability Insurance Claims A Legal Expert’s Warning to Dentists

A recent episode of The Dental Amigos podcast featured attorney Mark Seltzer sharing critical insights about disability insurance claims, revealing the complex challenges dentists face when filing for benefits. Seltzer, who has spent over 40 years representing healthcare professionals in disability cases, warned that many dentists are dangerously unprepared for the claims process. Listen to the full podcast below:  

Common Issues With Long-Term Disability Plans That Jeopardize Financial Security

As an attorney, dedicated to representing disabled professionals with individual disability insurance (IDI) and long-term disability (LTD) insurance matters, I am often in the unenviable position of informing clients of the deficiencies in their coverage. As an attorney, dedicated to representing disabled professionals with individual disability insurance (IDI) and long-term disability (LTD) insurance matters, I am often in the unenviable position of informing clients of the deficiencies in their coverage. Such was the case during a recent consultation with a civil litigation attorney who was forced to cease practicing due to a neurological disorder affecting his executive and cognitive function. […]

Disability Insurance as a Tool for Restoring Physician Wellness

Oct 1, 2017 in Publications by

While the majority of disability insurance cases our firm handles are for physicians and medical professionals that are disabled as a result of addiction, there seems to be a trend of an increasing number of doctors that are suffering from the effects of “burnout” and/or have become dissatisfied professionally. In fact, this is a very hot topic among the various members of the Federation of State Physician Health Programs. Today’s practice of medicine is totally different and has substantially changed when compared to that of even 10 or 20 years ago. Many physicians explain and complain that they are now […]

Investigating Your Disability Claim

Apr 14, 2016 in Publications by

In prior articles I have written for Physicians’ News Digest, I have brought to your attention your Disability Insurance Company’s use of surveillance and other investigative techniques used to develop information to be considered in evaluating your claim.  If the results of that investigation can be viewed as contrary to your claimed activities or depicting activities your Company feels are inconsistent with what you would or would not be able to perform in relation to your disabling condition, your Company will likely use that information in a way that is beneficial to it and detrimental to your claim.  For years, […]

“Reservation Of Rights” In Disability Insurance Claims: Right Or Wrong?

Jun 10, 2011 in Publications by

You are a physician who has been suffering from a medical condition, for which you have asked your Disability Insurance Company to pay you benefits, under your Disability Insurance Policy. You have contacted your Company, you have provided it with all the pertinent information that it requested in a timely fashion; you have done “everything by the book”.  You may have met with its Field Representative, or even been evaluated by one or more of your Company’s chosen Independent Medical Examination doctors.  But, notwithstanding your compliance, the Company has methodically asked for endless amounts of additional information, or “dragged its […]

Disability Insurance – “Refinancing” Your Disability Insurance Claim

May 11, 2010 in Publications by

Having Residual Disability (or Partial Disability) provisions in your policy can be the most important decision you (or your insurance consultant) make when you bought (or if you are considering buying) your Individual Disability Insurance policy. If you are eligible for Long Term Disability Insurance (Group) coverage from your employer, most probably, the definition of Disability includes a Residual component. However, having the coverage and getting paid under that coverage may cause you to be subjected to some creative refinancing of your financial information as assessed by your Disability Insurance Company. The beauty of Residual Disability coverage is that it […]

Disability Insurance – Subjective Claims

Aug 1, 2009 in Publications by

Believe it or not, the summer is already more than half over. With all of us thinking about when it is going to be our turn to “hit the beach”, you, the disabled physician, don’t want those words to apply to your claim with your Disability Insurance Company, as if it were “D-Day” at Normandy. The simultaneous crash of our stock, financial, and real estate markets and the significant long term recession in which we are currently mired, have likewise had a significant and adverse financial impact on your Disability Insurance Company. As a result of this “new economy”, you […]

Disability Insurance: Does the Loss of Your License Disable Your Claim?

Nov 12, 2008 in Publications by

If you are, or have been, involved in a disability insurance claim, you are keenly aware of the pitfalls and difficulties in prosecuting and maintaining your claim. But, if you think the claim’s process is difficult, try being involved in a professional licensure action at the same time. In most disability insurance cases that involve either a psychiatric, and/or an addiction component, there is often times a concurrent legal issue involving professional licensure. Both of these issues can be extremely complex in their own singular sense. The problem is, that in most cases, these issues can not be singularized and, […]

The Legal Disability Defense in Disability Insurance Claims

Aug 1, 2008 in Publications by

M.D. News, August 2008  In July of this year Clifford D. Swift, Esquire joined our firm as a Senior Associate. Prior to joining Mark F. Seltzer & Associates, Cliff was a prosecuting attorney for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of State, representing the Commonwealth, and its citizens, in professional licensure matters before several State Boards, including the State Board of Medicine. We are pleased to have Cliff with our firm and his knowledge and skill in state regulatory matters. Oftentimes, inherent in any state licensure matter, is a physician’s “fitness to practice” issue. However, other issues provoke the prosecution of […]