Our Philadelphia Eye Injury Lawyer Outlines Options for Your Disability Insurance
Vision is an extremely valuable sense as it is critical for making observations and viewing the world around us. Unfortunately, your eyes are vulnerable to injuries and medical conditions impacting your vision which can impair your ability to perform the important duties of your specialty. Medical professionals who have suffered an eye injury or sickness should contact Seltzer & Associates to discuss your eligibility for disability insurance benefits with a Philadelphia eye injury lawyer.
How Eye Injuries Impact Physicians Caring for Patients in Pennsylvania
Eye injuries and medical conditions causing impairment or loss of vision can greatly affect physicians and their ability to care for their patients. Some duties that cannot be performed or become more difficult for a physician to perform after an eye injury are:
- Performing surgery and other medical procedures
- Examining and diagnosing patients
- Reading diagnostic studies
- Conducting research and reporting findings
- Collaborating on medical innovation requiring visual inspection and analysis
- Using medical equipment, computers, screens, and other technology
- Receiving training on new procedures and techniques
- Teaching and coaching other medical professionals on medical methods and best practices as well as procedures and techniques
- Maintaining patient records
- Overseeing the operations of a medical practice
During the recovery period, if there is one, physicians may be unable to perform the duties of their practice and may need to attend to their own medical needs. With the loss of work and income, applying for disability insurance benefits becomes necessary. While insurance companies may challenge your claim, a Philadelphia eye injury lawyer will fight for your disability insurance benefits.
Common Eye Injuries and Symptoms
Common eye injuries include:
- Traumatic injury to the eye. This includes injuries resulting from an accident, including cuts to the eye, projectile objects hitting the face, or other blunt forces that injure the eye area. A traumatic injury to the eye can also be the result of an injury that breaks the facial bones around the eye causing additional damage and trauma.
- Chemical burns to the eye. This could result from accidents in a lab, accidents in the home, or when the eye comes in contact with harmful chemicals through spray or other chemical mediums.
- Radiation burns to the eye, which can result from a variety of exposure sources, including the sun, or exposure to other radiation sources.
- Scratches to the eye. While eye scratches range from minor to serious, the impact to a surgeon or diagnostician can be crucial and have a severe impact on the ability to care for patients. Minor scratches may heal naturally, but severe scratches or removal of a foreign object may require medical intervention.
- Eye infections from bacteria or a virus can cause long-lasting or permanent damage to the eye, limiting vision or even causing blindness.
Eye injuries can cause a number of symptoms that impact a physician’s ability to practice medicine, including:
- Sensitivity to light, which can prevent surgeons from operating and doctors from safely examining and analyzing patients.
- Sensitivity to other work environment elements such as dust or chemicals in a laboratory, which disrupts a doctor’s ability to complete work and research.
- Blurred vision and other limitations that affect the ability to perform any tasks requiring sight including visually reviewing and notating patient charts, research duties, and analysis, examining patients, and surgery.
- Eye swelling can also impact vision.
An injured eye can be extremely painful. The pain itself can be disruptive to the performance of your professional duties. A detached cornea is also a serious eye injury that can result in vision loss and pain, requiring additional medical care, including surgery.
There is a multitude of eye conditions that impair vision. The loss of visual acuity and the ability to have full fine visual perception caused by these medical conditions can prevent the performance of the essential duties of your specialty necessitating medical care and the receipt of disability insurance benefits.
Treatment for a Doctor’s Eye Injury
Eye injuries should be treated as urgent matters since vision is a critical sense for both daily activities as well as maintaining a medical practice. Treatment to resolve the eye injury and restore vision can be extensive and even require surgery, depending on the injury. If your eye injury requires surgery or other extensive treatment, it is important to follow treatment instructions as well as to allow the injured area and eye to receive rest for optimal recovery and restoration of vision.
Eye surgery is a very real possibility for an eye injury and can be a frightening experience. Since many eye injuries are an emergency, action must be taken quickly to preserve eye function and promote recovery. In addition, with a traumatic injury, facial reconstruction surgery around the orbital eye area can keep doctors out of work for long periods during recovery.
Receiving treatment for an eye injury can keep a doctor out of work for quite some time. Eye injuries may result in prolonged or permanent vision loss. Even after treatment, returning to an active medical practice may not be possible due to permanent eye damage.
Applying for Disability Insurance Benefits with the Help of a Philadelphia Eye Injury Attorney
When it comes time to apply for disability insurance benefits for your eye injury or eye-related medical condition, relying on experienced eye injury attorneys to guide you through the application process is imperative. After the application for disability insurance benefits is complete, your eye injury attorney will handle any negotiations, settlements, or appeals with your disability insurance company. While medical professionals may have some experience with insurance companies, this is a unique, complex process and experience. The insurance company will try to find any basis to argue that you can be working despite your severe eye injury. You need a disability insurance lawyer to fight for your eye injury benefits, and Seltzer & Associates has nationwide experience obtaining disability insurance benefits for clients.
The process can be complicated and contentious, and partnering with an experienced disability insurance attorney will help you secure disability insurance benefits for your eye injury or eye-related medical condition. Just as you seek the best outcome for your patients, our Philadelphia eye injury lawyers will seek the best outcome for you and work to secure your benefits.
Contact a Philadelphia Eye Injury Lawyer
Do not hesitate to take action in seeking disability insurance benefits due to your eye injury or eye-related medical condition. Medical personnel who have suffered an eye injury or illness preventing them from working should contact Seltzer & Associates to discuss their case and eligibility for disability insurance benefits.