Philadelphia Stroke Attorney for Medical Professionals in Pennsylvania and Nationwide

A stroke is a potentially catastrophic life event, leaving a stroke victim with devastating mental and physical impairments. Suffering from a stroke can destroy a successful medical or business career by causing impairments to speech and mobility. Medical professionals who suffer a stroke should let an experienced Philadelphia stroke attorney from Seltzer & Associates handle their disability insurance case and work to obtain your benefits.

Warning Signs of a Stroke

Strokes occur quickly and suddenly. Being able to identify warning signs of a stroke and seek medical treatment immediately improves the chances of successful rehabilitation, though the road to recovery is still a long and difficult one. Common warning signs of stroke include paralysis in the limbs; coordination difficulty, especially difficulty walking; numbness on one side of the body; others having difficulty understanding your speech; sudden headache; and sudden vision impairment. If you experience these symptoms or are around someone experiencing these symptoms, getting medical attention right away is crucial. 

The FAST Test for Strokes

Since immediate medical attention is so important for a stroke patient, a quick test has been circulated. A colleague or observer can ask the person suspected of having a stroke to do some simple tasks. With this FAST test, others can call for immediate medical help and explain to first responders or doctors what they observed. The test involves:

  • Face: Ask the person to smile. If the smile is lopsided or only a part of the face moves, this is a sign of stroke. 
  • Arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. If they cannot raise both arms or there is visible difficulty and inequality in the ability to raise their arms, this is a sign they may be having a stroke.
  • Speak: Ask the person to say something and repeat the phrasing. Slurred speech is a sign of a stroke.
  • Time: Time is of the essence. If the person shows signs of stroke from these quick tests, it is imperative to get medical care right away.

Diagnosing a Stroke

A stroke occurs from a hemorrhage or a blockage preventing blood from reaching the brain. Getting medical care quickly is crucial in improving the odds of recovery for a stroke victim. To diagnose the stroke, imaging such as CT scans or MRIs to identify the bleed or the blockage and investigate brain activity. Electrical activity testing can also demonstrate the brain’s electrical activity and the body’s response to the brain, including vision, hearing, and other sensations. Blood flow tests can identify blockages and help develop an appropriate action plan to treat the stroke.

Our Philadelphia Stroke Attorney Recognizes the Consequences of Strokes on Medical Professionals

Since each part of the brain affects different functions, the portion impacted by the stroke can have varying deficits and disabilities. Physical impairments, difficulties in communicating, or emotional and behavioral challenges are all possible consequences. 

Stroke victims undergo months and years of rehabilitation and therapy to regain control of their lives. Medical professionals need to undergo even more rehabilitation to regain the level of function to return to practicing their specialties. 

With this specialized understanding of the rehabilitation needed to perform even basic activities, let alone the rigors required of maintaining a medical career, a Philadelphia stroke lawyer at Seltzer & Associates can guide patients through their long-term disability insurance claim. With each disability policy having its own requirements for approval, guidance from a long-term disability attorney helps secure and maintain disability insurance benefits. Using the medical records from on-going medical treatment and preparing responses to disability insurance companies, the stroke attorneys at Seltzer & Associates help clients secure their long-term disability benefits.

Our Philadelphia Stroke Disability Lawyer Understands the Rehabilitation You Need 

Due to the multitude of ways that strokes physically impact the body, extensive physical rehabilitation is necessary. Physical impairments resulting from a stroke can range from paralysis to mobility issues that may be permanent or temporary in nature. Recovery can take years, especially if the necessary level of recovery is elevated due to the need to operate medical equipment effectively. Surgeons are especially at risk for the additional financial loss during a prolonged recovery or possible permanent inability to ever perform their surgical duties. 

In cognitive matters, medical professionals often need to have a complete recovery in order to return to work due to the executive functional demands of the profession. Doctors often cannot safely care for, diagnose, and treat patients while suffering from a stroke’s unresolved cognitive impairments. Your stroke attorney needs to understand your specialty’s heightened functional requirements so they can successfully present your case for disability insurance benefits.

Not all stroke impairments are physical. As stroke patients undergo their physical rehabilitation, the mental and emotional impact of the recovery process takes a toll on them. Mental and emotional impairments include depression, as the stroke patient deals with their new limitations, which can be quite severe. Being unable to take care of one’s own basic needs as well as not being able to engage in their occupation often deepens depression. 

Anxiety over not being able to work or maintain a medical practice is also common, as medical professionals worry about themselves, their colleagues, patients, and families. There is also anxiety over whether the doctor will ever be able to resume practicing medicine. Financial stress from the loss of income greatly affects stroke patients. With a strong disability insurance attorney, stroke patients can feel confident that any denials or terminations will be appropriately handled on their behalf. Depression, anxiety, and other cognitive impairments can be treated with a combination of medication and therapeutic rehabilitation, though there are no guarantees a doctor will be able to return to treating patients as before. 

Navigating Your Long-Term Disability Claim After a Stroke

As mentioned, the treatment and recovery after a stroke take months or years. During this time while unable to work, medical professionals should pursue any available long-term disability insurance benefits. It can be a difficult process for insureds, but an experienced Philadelphia long-term disability claim attorney can help you obtain your disability insurance benefits. You do not have to confront your disability insurer on your own. Seltzer & Associates takes pride in securing long-term disability insurance benefits for our clients, and we can help guide you through the claims process

When you apply for long-term disability insurance benefits, your insurer will examine the medical evidence related to your disabling condition and evaluate your capacity to perform daily activities or work. Seltzer & Associates can help clearly present your claim to your insurance company proving your eligibility for long-term disability insurance benefits.

Evaluations By Medical Experts After a Stroke

Your insurance company may order an independent medical evaluation to assess your condition. Many of these medical examiners work closely with insurance companies, and may provide only a snapshot of your condition. These evaluations may lead to disputes regarding your eligibility for long-term disability insurance benefits. Compare these examinations to those performed by your own treating physicians, who should have thorough records, and an understanding of your limitations, restrictions, and impairments after a stroke. Having an experienced Philadelphia long-term disability claim attorney in your corner can accurately present proof of your disability, and help secure long-term disability benefits, despite the opinions of third-party medical examiners.

A Philadelphia Stroke Disability Attorney Can Help After a Denial of Benefits 

Disability insurance companies have their own business interests in mind when evaluating the claims of their insureds. As such, they will seek reasons to deny your claim for long-term disability insurance benefits. As disabled claimants transition from short-term to long-term disability benefits, an insurance company will seize any opportunity to deny the long-term disability claim. The reasons for denying long-term disability insurance benefits can range from minor technicalities such as an omission or error on a form to more significant reasons such as a change in medical condition or missed deadlines. An experienced Pennsylvania long-term disability claim attorney can help you understand the reasons your insurance company feels justified in denying your claim for disability insurance benefits and help you appeal the denial. 

If your claim for long-term disability is denied, you need to act, immediately. There are certain deadlines that govern long-term disability insurance denials or terminations. Seltzer & Associates can examine your policy for you and prepare your appeal. Dealing with long-term disability insurance claims after a stroke can be challenging as insurance companies may overestimate your ability to resume activities due to perceived improvement in your condition. Do not let an insurance company take advantage of you during your recovery and deny your long-term disability benefits. Work with Seltzer & Associates to appeal the denial or termination of your long-term disability insurance benefits.

Contact a Philadelphia Stroke Attorney to Recover Your Benefits

Suffering a stroke is catastrophic enough. You do not have to face your financial loss alone. Medical professionals who suffer strokes, preventing them from working, should contact a Philadelphia stroke attorney at Seltzer & Associates to claim your disability insurance benefits. We handle claims and cases for our clients nationwide.