Any cancer diagnosis can be disruptive, and dealing with the physical, mental, and emotional toll can be draining. Not only is your body fighting to overcome this disease, but the treatments and remedies employed can be challenging as well. Doctors and other medical professionals who suffer from breast cancer may find themselves unable to carry on their medical careers both from breast cancer and the side effects of therapeutic remedies.
If you are a medical professional suffering from breast cancer, and you are unable to continue your medical career, you need to discuss your eligibility for disability insurance benefits with a Philadelphia long-term disability attorney. Seltzer & Associates are experienced in fighting for clients’ disability insurance benefits. We understand the challenges that medical professionals face when they become disabled and unable to work in their prior capacity. Our firm is dedicated to securing the benefits to which you are entitled and protecting your rights so you can focus on your health and treatment. Do not hesitate to contact us to discuss your disability insurance claim due to breast cancer.
Diagnosing Breast Cancer
Both men and women can suffer from breast cancer. Breast cancer is often initially detected through imaging such as a mammogram, ultrasound, or MRI. A biopsy of the suspected tissue would confirm the diagnosis. Each case of breast cancer can be further identified by stage and grade. This will indicate the invasiveness and progression of cancer and may dictate the treatment plan.
Treating Breast Cancer
Treatments for cancer have come a long way in recent years. Today, treatment for breast cancer can be targeted so it does not take as much of a toll on the patient. For example, radiation or surgery can be localized to affect only the immediate area affected by cancer.
Alternatively, drug-based treatments for breast cancer do not stay localized and would attack cancer cells throughout the body. While effective, systemic treatment such as this can also spread the side effects of these medications throughout the body. This can make it quite difficult to work in any medical profession.
Common treatments for breast cancer include chemotherapy, hormone therapy, and targeted drug therapies that are designed to specifically attack certain cancer cells. In addition to these treatments, your oncologist or other medical providers may encourage additional treatments that are complementary to your medical plan, such as adjustments to diet, taking supplements, acupuncture or massage therapy. Working through your treatment plan can be an intense process. Relying on a Philadelphia long-term disability attorney to pursue your disability insurance benefits is a wise decision. Do not hesitate to contact Seltzer & Associates to discuss your claim.
Symptoms and Side Effects of Breast Cancer
Breast cancer itself can cause pain in the impacted tissue, and potentially surrounding areas. Rashes, skin discoloration, and other physical signs may develop and prompt a patient to seek further examination. Despite the improvements in breast cancer treatments, those suffering from breast cancer still suffer from debilitating side effects such as:
- Fatigue
- Loss of appetite
- Skin irritation
- Cognitive impairments include memory loss, difficulty concentrating, and chemo brain fog
- Prolonged recovery from surgery, including follow up procedures and reconstructive surgery
As treatment and recovery from breast cancer can be a lengthy process, a Philadelphia long-term disability insurance attorney can explain how your long-term disability plan can help you during this challenging time.
Breast Cancer Disrupts Medical Careers
Your treatment for breast cancer can be disruptive to your medical career. You can be assured that Seltzer & Associates has your back during the disability claim process to to secure any benefits to which you are entitled from your disability insurance company. We have extensive experience representing physicians, nurses, doctors, surgeons, and other medical professionals, and we understand the specific duties and demands of your career so that your occupation is accurately represented to your insurer.
Long-Term Disability Insurance Benefits for Breast Cancer Patients
Breast cancer can result in multiple disabling conditions as a result of the cancer itself, its comorbidities, and the side effects of treatments. Navigating proof of loss requirements for your long-term disability insurance claim can be a challenge, especially as your medical conditions change. An experienced Philadelphia long-term disability insurance attorney can help you through this difficult process. Seltzer & Associates can guide you through this process with precision. Let Seltzer & Associates keep your insurer accountable as you address your illness.
Talk to a Philadelphia Long-Term Disability Insurance Attorney for Your Breast Cancer Disability Benefits
If you are unable to work due to breast cancer or other disabling cancer, you should speak with a Philadelphia long-term disability insurance attorney to discuss your case. Contact Seltzer & Associates by completing our online form or calling 888-699-4222.